Charleston resident Frank Abagnale has helped the FBI and numerous government agencies and corporations detect and stop fraud for more than 40 years. His expertise in the field comes largely from the fact that between the ages of 16 to 21, Abagnale was himself a scam artist and check forger, whose international exploits are recounted in his book “Catch Me if you Can,” and a major motion picture of the same name. Today, however, Abagnale is glad to have left his life of crime in the past, and has not only prevented billions of dollars in fraud for businesses of all kinds, but has offered his services at no charge to his adopted state. In this segment, Abagnale discusses fraud and gives consumers advice about protecting themselves, and Rick Reames, director of the S.C. Dept. of Revenue, talks about how that agency has benefited from Abagnale’s experience and knowledge.
Scam Detector Frank Abagnale Helps His State Reduce Fraud

Tut Underwood/SC Public Radio