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Summer HVAC Part 2


So you know that this is a good time to schedule a tune up for your HVAC system and the more shade you can create around your unit, the better it will cool your house.  But let’s talk about things you can do to help decrease the cost of cooling your house through the hot South Carolina summer.

Remember, during the summer, your thermostat is your friend.  A programmable thermostat can help you maintain cooler temperatures at night when you’ll be home and warmer temperatures during the day when cooling an empty house can get very expensive.  Seventy eight is a good temperature to aim for when you’re at home during the summer months to help keep costs down.  You’ll want to change that filter every month to ensure the system is running at optimal performance.  Electrostatic filters are the best, but no matter what kind of filter you choose; don’t run the system without a filter.